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  • Export guest data

    Guest profiles can be exported from the Hotelinco Dashboard under Download Center. The Download Center is designed to export data for various systems or connections with other systems that you have integrated with Hotelinco PMS, such as: export for your accounting system, export of data for reporting data to eTurizem (AJPES), for sending offers to guests by e-mail. (e.g. export in excel file for Mailchimp). By clicking on Export guest data, a new window "Export profiles" opens. In file export, you can define and prepare a printout of guest profiles using various search criteria. For example If you want a list of guests whose birthday is in February and you want to send them a greeting by e-mail, check Date of birth (month and day) and Only files with e-mail addresses. Then click on the Search button and the system will display a list of files. The file list contains the following information: Name - Name and surname of the guest City Street - Address of residence Country E-mail Date of birth Via the list, it is also possible to edit an individual profile or delete a profile. If the guest profile is included in the reservations, then the profile cannot be deleted. If you want to export the data, click on the Export button. The system will prepare an export file in xls format (excel).

  • How can I send a payment link to a guest?

    Allow guests to make payments at any time! How the interface works - (Hotelinco Pay By Link functionality). An email payment link is a link or button connected to a secure payment page hosted by your Payment Services Provider (PSP). To insert the payment link in the mail you need to select the following: Settings ->Email-> Template Proforma-> Language (In case of multi property installations, select property under Hotel) There is an icon in the email text editor which enables you to easily insert the online payment link into your email template (Proforma template). When you are satisfied, save the template and do a test before sending it (Click on the Send test button). Sending your guest email with pay-by link through reservation When you want to send a proforma invoice to the guest by e-mail - together with the option of online payment for any prepayment or deposit - you can easily do this by sending an e-mail to the guest by clicking on the E-mail button on the Proforma, where it is also possible to review, issue and edit the Proforma details (delete and add items, change the name on the Proforma). In Hotelinco you can select the settings, then the email and template type (PRECHARGE ACCOUNT) and the language of the template that you want to edit or supplement with a Pay By Link connection. Under Profroma Invoices you can select the Proforma. If the guest has several invoices, be careful to choose the right one or the one you want to send. Clicking on the E-mail button opens a new window where you can review or possibly edit the template. By clicking Send, the system will send an e-mail with the invoice to the email of your guest. Note: Pay-By-Link functionality requires an additional license and integration of the online payment gateway. If Pay-By-Link functionality is not working in your Hotelinco account, then you may not have the appropriate license or established integration. For more information, please contact support at Hotelinco enables integration with Wordline Saferpa y, Stripe and Monri Payments . To establish the integration, you must first conclude a contract with your Payment Service Provider.

  • Sales office

    The sales office offers an overview of the occupancy status of your accommodation capacities and, accordingly, the creation of your sales strategy on a daily basis. In this section, the calendar of availability and the calendar of daily price adjustments (Daily Prices) are accessible. The Sales Office module is accessed via the Calendar by clicking on the Sales Office button. A new screen mask appears where you can access: Availability calendar (click on the Availability button); Daily price management (prices, restrictions), (click on the button Daily price management). In the Sales Office header, you can specify the calendar display methods, namely: by clicking on the button One Week, Two Weeks, Month, the weekly, biweekly or monthly display of calendars is determined; scrolling with the left/right arrows scrolls the display of calendars in time; Jump to a specific date; filter the display for accommodation (selection of individual accommodation or display of all in the multi-property version); ONLY APPLIES TO THE AVAILABILITY CALENDAR: By clicking the button Min. availability , the system also takes into account unconfirmed reservations on the display, Max. and the availability of only confirmed reservations and calculates the number of available rooms accordingly. Number of nights: In the number of nights field, specify the number of days in order to define the period in which you are looking available rooms, starting from the selected day. The availability calendar allows you to see how many rooms of a certain type (e.g. suite, single, double, etc.) are available for booking on a specific date. Clicking the Availability button opens a new Availability Calendar mask. The availability calendar shows the overall availability of the accommodation (ie PMS availability). On the daily price calendar , you can view the following sections and edit the following settings for the seelcted rate plan: prices (price 1, price 2, price 3,...) for each day, for a specific period, for a specific room type, room number, summary type or hotel (if the installation is multiproperty); availability or assign rooms for online sales (web inventory); restrictions (restrictions) for each day for a specific period, for a specific room type, room number, summary type or hotel (if the installation is multiproperty). More about entering restrictions and daily price changes:

  • How to add new categories of items to the Cashier?

    Under Setup -> Items , click on the button Manage Categories. A new Items Categories Setup window opens. Enter/assign a new code in the Code field, enter a short description of the category in the Description field, and enter a number in the Sequence field that determines the order in which the icon will be displayed at the Checkout or POS. In order to add new category, click on the Add button. When a category is assigned to the system, the system automatically selects a random icon and color for it to display in the Checkout. You can change the system-assigned icon in a further step by clicking on it and a new window will open for selecting the icon and color palette of your choice. When you are satisfied with the selection, just click Update. We then assign all itemses that will be sold at the Cashier to the new category. We do this in Items Setup by selecting a category (click on the category icon) and entering the necessary data for the item: Group/category; Code; Description (short description); Price; Department (department code with number, description and VAT rate). Then click on the Add button. Result in the POS module: Result at the Reservation Cashier:

  • How to create group reservation?

    Groups offer a convenient way to organize group bookings. In addition to keeping all the reservations for a group in one place, the Groups lets you take deposits and/or payments from individuals or from the group as a whole. The following steps review how to create a group reservation in the Hotelinco PMS. This function is started from the menu (Groups -> New Group). STEP 1: Enter general group data & reservation details Start with entering the Arrival and Departure dates of the group first, then selecting the Rate, Market Code, Source Code and entering the Name of the Group. Want to create Group Booking Folio/ Proforma? You can simply check the box Create Pay Master from the General Group Data screen of the reservation to create a new Group Booking Folio or Proforma or alternatively create one from Group Reservation screen once the group booking is already created. To proceed to step 2, click on "Next" button below. STEP 2: Define number of rooms, number of adults and possibly number of children as well. STEP 3: Define rooming list, if available. Many times a group will provide you with a list of all the guests that will require reservations. Click on Replace button to enter Guest Name. This opens "Search Profile". In case of return guests you can simply open existing guest profiles or add a new one. When you define the rooming list, simply click on "Create reservations" button. You are then notified by the system that the group reservation has been created. Once the group is created you can then find it on the Calendar or under Groups -> Search Group. Click on Reservations button to open Group Reservations screen. Here you can review or edit group reservations in more details.

  • Reservation types & statuses

    On Hotelinco Calendar you will be able to see reservations displayed in different colours. Read below what is the meaning of each color. In Hotelinco you can operate with different types of reservations: 1) Definite (guaranteed reservation) A guaranteed reservation means that the reservation is confirmed ( by prepayment, advance deposit or partial payment, voucher, travel agent guarantee etc.) and that hotelier holds the room request until scheduled dates and time of arrival. It protects hotel revenue in case of no show until cancellation is done as per hotel rules. On the Calendar reservations with Definite reservation type will display in green: 2) Tentative (non-guaranteed reservation) Non-guaranteed reservation insures that the hotel agrees to hold a room for the guest until a stated reservation cancellation time and date. If the guest fails to cancel the reservation within cancellation time-period, the room will be released for resale. On the Calendar reservations with Tentative reservation type will display in orange: When you create a new Reservation in Hotelinco, you must assign the reservation type to the reservation under Type: 3) If you choose Reservation Type as Non - binding offer then this reservation will be displayed in white color. But this will not be a real reservation, since it does not affect the availability for the web booking engine or channel manager. The offer reservation is only valid until a certain date, and if not confirmed to become a reservation, it will be automatically deleted from the system. You can change the reservation type until the reservation is checked-in. Then the reservation type will show check-in status and the reservation will have a Check-In status. Checked In is a pre-configured required type and cannot be changed. On the Calendar checked-in reservations will display in blue: Light blue color indicates that invoice has already been issued, while dark blue indicates reservations that have not been invoiced yet or have open charges. For example indicating: some postings might not have been charged yet, and if all postings are already charged, then the invoice hasn't been issued yet.

  • Where can I see today's arrivals & departures?

    To display Today's arrivals select Reservation List -> Arrivals To display Today's departures select Reservation List -> Departures 2. You can also find some quick info about property occupancy, including with guest arrivals and guest departures displaying the arrivals and departures expected for the current day on your Dashboard.

  • Send your guests e-mails using your own SMTP

    The SMTP protocol is used for the outgoing mail. Custom SMTP settings feature allows you to use your own SMTP server so all emails sent from Hotelinco PMS system on your behalf, comes from your own email address. Simply enter the SMTP setting of your e-mail service provider and the port (port) through which email is sent. Go to Setup -> General Under SMTP Server enter your SMTP settings data (Please refer to your SMTP server service provider for more details on your SMTP account): -server/SMTP host name - the login: STMP username is usually the sender email adress and the STMP password may be your email account passsword. -SMTP Port number - Use SSL (data transfer encryption required) Save the data. Under Test E-mail Address write in your email and send yourself a test email to check if everything is working. Sender's name is automatically defined by your property name.

  • Quick search for free rooms

    In case you need to check for free rooms very quickly, you don't have to leave the reservation mask and check it through the calendar, but simply with a click on the icon "Search for free rooms" easily access the list of available rooms and filter them by criteria. By clicking on the icon new window opens, where you can define your search of free rooms. You can search rooms by time frame (A), hotel (B), type (single, double, etc., C) or by other statuses (D): Only Clean Rooms, Day use (DU as Room Night) and Rooms that have guests checked-in (CI Rooms). (See legend below). The result of your search is the list of free rooms, defined by room number (E), room type (F), hotel (G), Current Clean or Dirty Status (H), Free Days before arrival and free days after departure date (I) and Current Room Status Checked-In Yes or No (J). You can use "Free Days" info in order to optimize and better plan room allocation. For example Room 111 shows 3/2 free days, in which 3 denotes 3 free days before arrival and 2 denotes 2 after the departure date when room is available and free for booking. To assign “Free Room” to the reservation click on “Select” button, which is located in front of the room number.

  • How can I create a new confirmation letter in the system?

    You can edit and create your own Confirmation Letter templates (content, logo, fonts) and upload it to the Hotelinco under Setup/ Documents/ Confirmation Letters. You can simply create and edit your own confirmation letter in Word (only rtf files are supported). Simply choose file from your computer and upload it to the Hotelinco. Once the file is uploaded simply define code, description, language, type, etc. and add it to the system. When you want to confirm a reservation, you will now be able to use this newly added confirmation letter under Reservation/ Confirmation Letters and select it from the combo box.

  • How to search for a reservation using the guest name or reservation number?

    - Go to Reservation List. Hotelinco will allow you to search for a reservation by guest name, reservation number, group number or confirmation letter number. - To search by Guest Name, fill in the blank, use the letters: for example If you enter »RA« in the blank field the system will search all reservations with First or Last Name starting with »RA«. To start search click »Refresh« button. The system will display the list of all reservations that match the criteria. Alternatively, you can search reservations by reservation number. Fill in the number of reservation and click "Refresh" button:

  • How to merge duplicate guest profiles?

    In order to keep your guest's database in order, to ensure accurate profile statistics you can combine (merge) duplicate guest profiles. Instead of overwriting existing data, merging evaluates the data in both profiles and then fills gaps of information in the primary profile. Please view the video below for an overview how to merge duplicate guest profiles.

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