Hotelinco supports individual, company, group and agency profiles. Profiles are collections of information about your guests and the businesses you work with. This information includes not only names and addresses but other details such phone numbers, email addresses, notes, guest preferences, languages, etc. Guest profiles enable you to see your regular guests and capture all their client history (stay histories, revenue statistics, documents issued). You can search, add and edit profiles from:
Reservation Screen
Go to Profile and select Profile Type (Individual, Group, Company or Travel Agency).

Just fill in the applicable fields of the Company Profile and click Add.

A new Edit Company Profile screen opens for you to fill in the data. Click Save to save the data you entered.

Go to Reservation. If you need to create a Group (A), Company (B) or Travel Agency Profile (C) you need to click on the icon correspondingly (see below). Individual Guest Profiles are created on the right side of the screen, as they are also managed with company, group agency reservations.
