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Quick search for free rooms

In case you need to check for free rooms very quickly, you don't have to leave the reservation mask and check it through the calendar, but simply with a click on the icon "Search for free rooms" easily access the list of available rooms and filter them by criteria.

By clicking on the icon new window opens, where you can define your search of free rooms. You can search rooms by time frame (A), hotel (B), type (single, double, etc., C) or by other statuses (D): Only Clean Rooms, Day use (DU as Room Night) and Rooms that have guests checked-in (CI Rooms). (See legend below).

The result of your search is the list of free rooms, defined by room number (E), room type (F), hotel (G), Current Clean or Dirty Status (H), Free Days before arrival and free days after departure date (I) and Current Room Status Checked-In Yes or No (J).

You can use "Free Days" info in order to optimize and better plan room allocation. For example Room 111 shows 3/2 free days, in which 3 denotes 3 free days before arrival and 2 denotes 2 after the departure date when room is available and free for booking.

To assign “Free Room” to the reservation click on “Select” button, which is located in front of the room number.

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